Student Solution


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Discussion 6.2_Management

Discussion 6.2_Management

Q Are you familiar with SodaStream or the concept of home-carbonation beverages? Go online and visit the SodaStream website. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Explore the company’s website to better understand the management philosophy of the company. (Some links you may not typically use on a company’s website, but might be useful, include investor relations, and some of the reports and presentations found there.) Discuss Analyze and assess the following discussion topics in your posting(s): 1. What is the SodaStream “product leadership” strategy? 2. How can SodaStream grow so quickly, not just in the number of stores in which the product is available, but number and variety of products? 3. How does the SodaStream story relate to the competitive strategy concepts presented in the course text?

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Competitive Intelligence is a very interesting concept where detailed information is gathered about the marketing and distribution of products to customers. It is a very vital part of strategic management in the present times. The product leadership strategy used by Soda Stream is to launch a completely offbeat and out of the box product. I went through the SodaStream website and I must admit that I am pretty impressed. The leadership strategy used by the company is to tap in the health conscious target customer who prefers a healthy lifestyle. The slogan used by them is “water made exciting”. This attracts the customers to see and learn about the product they are offering. The company also stresses on repeat purchase as carbonation refills must be bought to go along with the system.